es-I wrote a book!
YES my people! Daddy Tip here – it's been awhile, so I wanted to say 'Hello Darling' and share what's been goin on!

First of all – I wrote a book! It's the "uncensored" story of my life and career and is called "Stick To My Roots." I've been through a lot in my life – most people have no clue what I've been through, but you're about to find out! All of the challenges have made me who I am today, for better or for worse. Lots of my friends contributed stories to this book, including Maxi Priest, Peter Huningale, and Ali Campbell of UB40 just to name a few. And the cover art is from a painting done by my bredren Chali 2na – it's BAAAAD! The book is available today for presale – and will drop this summer – August 24th! Check it out below…

Second, my calendar is filling up and I will be performing ALL OVA this year! From the UK, to JA, to Serbia, to the USA! On April 1st, I will be passing through the Dub Meeting in Los Angeles – link up with my friends from O.B.F and Iration Steppas, courtesy of Dubsiren. Come on through if you in Cali! And don't miss me with full band (The Upper Cut Band) at Reggaeland in the UK this August – that one is gonna be HOT LIKE FYAH!!
Speaking of Hot Like Fyah – have you seen my latest video for my track "HOT LIKE FIRE" on my latest album? I filmed it in Jamaica earlier this year, just after performing at Dancehall Thursdays in Kingston with Peter Metro. Scroll down and have a look!
BIG UP all of my fans…and the DJs…and the Promotors…and all the people who have supported my work for the past 40+ years. FORTY YEARS! I'm grateful every day of my life for each and every one of you. I hope to see you at one of my shows this year. Please come find me and say… Hello Darling! BLESS UP!